All the teams played together in a very friendly and nice atmosphere of fair play. The level was very good and all the final scores were very tight, with the last minutes been crucial to definite the winner of each match. The last match was the official international match UAE x Singapore. It was a very exciting match and the spectators and VIPs present enjoyed it a lot ! The final score was 44x37 for the Emiratis.
During this event was organized a trip to Dubai with the kids from Singapore and UAE team together. They visited the Burj al Arab Hotel, Madinat Center, Burj Khalifa building (highest in the world) and the Dubal mall, as well as the Sharjah traditional Souk (market).
Mr Jeff Ang from Singapore, coach of the national squad, conducted a FITB Coach C seminar with the participation of 65 physical education teachers from all over the country.
This event was very important for the promotion of tchoukball in the UAE, specially to have more support for the creation of the national federation and the participation in the Asian Tchoukball
Championship in july in Singapore.
On behalf of the FITB, I would like to thank very much to Jeff Ang and the Singaporean team for all the effort done to be able to come to this event. Also a great thanks for the support given by the Sharjah Education Zone, Sharjah Children Centres and Sharjah Youth Centres and specially to my dear friends Mohamed Zaghdoud and Nabiha Mohamed Houais, without them, this event would be possible !
Thank you all and see you in july in Singapore.
Julio Calegari - FITB Director of International Promotion